We Know Beach Grass
Our Story
Peat and Son Nursery is one of the oldest growers and suppliers of Cape American Beach Grass around. Growing Beach Grass for over 40 years, we have gotten pretty good at it! We have provided Beach Grass for projects all over Long Island and the surrounding coastal states. No project is too big or small for us. Contact us with your Beach Grass needs.
About Beach Grass
Cape American Beach Grass is native to the Northeast region of the United States and the Great Lakes. It is harvested and sold commercially because of its effectiveness in dune stabilization and restoration. Its aggressive and spreading root system helps the dunes stay together against the ravages of time and tide. Growing to 30’’ tall with roots reaching as far down as 36’’, great wind resistance and that classic “beach front look”, this is Mother Nature’s perfect defense against dune erosion.
How to Plant
Plants are usually spaced on 1 foot centers. So a 1000 square foot project would require 1000 plants. Closer, more plants, further, less. (18’’ centers are also common). The depth should be between 6 and 8’’ inches to prevent plants from toppling. Plugs are planted in the same way. The most simple and effective way I have seen to is a 2 man crew and some type of probe to create the hole. I have seen broom handles used with success. Mark with tape the depth desired (around 8’’). Mark a second spot at 12’’ or 18’’ for your desired spacing. A mason string for an approximate straight edge to start should be set. Create your planting hole by probing the broom handle into the sand down to your first tape mark. Second team member inserts one or two culms into the hole and backfills with loose sand. The first team member has moved on to the next hole measured by the second marker on the Handel. Create a grid pattern, repeat and you are off to the races!
Purchasing and Shipping
Beach Grass is available for purchase 2 ways. Bare root culms, in bundles of 100 pieces and in 50 count flats of 2’’ plugs. The bare root season runs from about November 15th thru April 15th while the plants are dormant. The 2’’ flats are available year round while supplies last. Beach Grass Bundles can be shipped via UPS, so small orders and distance from the nursery, are not problems. We can ship from 1 bundle in a box up to full tractor trailer loads on our own trucks. Please contact sale staff with any questions including pricing. Thank you.